
Google Map

Love Google map. Set in Satellite mode, you will see everything in naked eyes.

Seen many road kills, wondered how many living quarters still left for them, got on Google map to check out my living surrounding; my gosh, it has strung significantly within the last 10 years.

Zoomed out the map to look at the bigger section, district, state, then country and the world; most once green forests are occupied by human habitat. Sigh, I am sadden.

We really shouldn't multiply more, those like Octo-Mom really shouldn't have kids. First of all, she is not fit to have kids; second of all she is greedy; third of all she is getting welfare before she has octuplet; forth of all she is trying to look like Angelina Jolie - that concludes how loony she is.

Oh judgment day, wouldn't be far away, time for the world to cleanse itself.